Online Prayer Requests @

“Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17, a site for anonymous online prayer requests, is a safe place for you to let others pray for your online prayer requests and for what is on your heart. It’s also a place where you can pray for others, too. If you have a heart for prayer or are needing prayer, please take a few minutes to read below. If you want to know more about what this site is about, please visit our ‘Who We Are’ page. If you don’t know how to pray and are looking for prayer resources, we offer a few here to help get you started on your prayer journey. We’re glad you’re here and don’t believe you’ve arrived here by accident. God has all things under His wings.

Thank you for visiting. You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Pleas feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Please pray for our truant teenager Adriana here in Florida to be sent away immediately to boarding school or job corps because she has been causing many problems at home for the past 5 months running away, sneaking in countless boyfriends, bullying her little siblings, lying, denying her faulty actions, taking our money, staying up late passed 2am and arguementative. She is out of control and we are elderly retired seniors and had enough today!

Received: July 31, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 63 times.


Hi I have overwhelming anxiety and depression to the point it's crippling. Please pray for me some help to come thru

Received: April 30, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 42 times.


I am struggling w/a food addiction

Received: April 30, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 44 times.

Alan Eichstaedt

I am worthless, absessesed with myself while my soul is rotting. I will die soon. Pray I not encourage the monster that replaced me.

Received: April 29, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 43 times.


Asking for Prayer for my mother Cathy Elaine Oliver , she is having trouble with her hip .asking for healing , also emotional healing and financial break through . Thank you!!!! She needs prayer . Thank you !!!! Financial break through emotional depression !!!!!!!! She will be having hip replacement 04/30/2024

Thanks for Prayers

Received: April 16, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 41 times.


Please pray for my wife who tonight is in very serious pain. Please ask for God’s hand to be upon her for healing of the cause of the pain. Thank you!

Received: April 15, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 47 times.


I am asking for prayer for my son Montrell. He is a 27-year-old single father of 2 little girls. Despite his illness he fought for his young daughters and has fought hard to care for them through all his illness. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure at age 22 with the damage to his heart irreversible. He just suffered a massive stroke at the brain a few days ago. Our family are definitely prayer warriors; however, it takes a village. The village is missing in the world today. For this reason, I am reaching out all over to whomever will help pray for my baby. I am praying for his healing mentally and physically. I am praying that he be whole. Not only for me but for his children whom need him to be here and raise them and protect them. Thank you so very much, I am grateful for all prayers!

Received: April 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.

Anonymous anonymous

Please pray to our Lord to restore my health. Please I pray for good , clean clear health and that all is good.

Received: April 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 34 times.


please lord pray my husband Don is cancer free after his operation tomorrow for bladder cancer no more cancer in our home

Received: April 3, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 35 times.


Please pray for me. I feel like my faith is under attack and being swayed by misinformation I see online. I know these lies don't demonstrate the true nature of God but they also say things I relate too and that makes me question things. Please pray for me to strengthen my faith in God and my relationship with Him.

Received: April 3, 2024

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“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds. “